
Woods MarCom

I like marketing analytics almost as much as coffee.

Rachael Woods, Owner of Woods MarCom

Sharing My Must-Have SEO Tools

My Must-Have (and Free!) SEO Tools Understanding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and measuring your performance can feel really overwhelming. Sometimes, it can feel cost-prohibitive as well. However, there are several free online tools you can use to improve your SEO, measure your performance, and identify things to fix! Leveraging Free Google Tools Google is the most often used search engine, and thankfully they also offer free tools to help you show up better in search results. I highly...

SEO Strategy Not Working?

Try These SEO Tips to Boost Your Website Traffic Nothing is more frustrating than an SEO strategy that's not working. If you made SEO updates, and it’s been longer than six months without any movement, it’s probably time to reevaluate your SEO strategy. Here are a few strategies I recommend to kickstart that upward SEO trend. Reassess your keywords - review your metrics and find ways to better align with search intent. Improve on-page SEO with better content, metadata, headers, etc. Enhance...
Rachael Woods, Owner of Woods MarCom celebrates with champagne

It's Back to School Season 🚌

It's Back to School Season This feels controversial, but I have always felt like the New Year starts after Labor Day. As kids, back to school was always the start of the year. And the year always ended in June. I guess that made summer a land before time... 🦖 As adults, many of us also spend decades working around a school calendar as parents. Even with our son in college, this was the first time in almost 20 years that we didn't have some back-to-school ramp-up in August. (Apartment life is...
Woman with coffee using Facebook

Does it Pay to Buy Ads on Facebook?

Facebook? Are You There? I often discuss paid advertising in client meetings, specifically the channel that best suits their business needs and goals. One of the common myths that often surfaces is the belief that Facebook is no longer a relevant platform. This misconception often leads to the assumption that advertising on Meta is not effective. Can this be true? Could Facebook be dying? Here are a few fast facts on Facebook right now: Facebook has 3 billion active users monthly, with 2.1...
Searching on an iphone

Google's Views on Local Search Intent

Understanding Search Intent and why it's time to optimize your Google Business Listing Most of us understand the basics of Google search results: Google has indexed billions of websites, creating a filing system of sorts (that only Google understands). The user types keywords or a question into the search bar. Google runs to the proverbial file cabinet, pulls out some websites it thinks the user is looking for, and provides them as a list. What is less commonly talked about is the concept of...
Rachael Woods, Owner of Woods MarCom

Adding SEO Into Your Website Refresh Plan

The Importance of SEO in a Website Refresh A well-planned website redesign can boost your search rankings, while the alternative can set you back. Here are a few things to consider when planning a website refresh: Preserving Current Rankings: Whether you keep your domain or change it, you may risk losing the search engine rankings you’ve worked hard to achieve. You'll need a plan to retain your existing site authority. Leveraging New SEO Opportunities: A refresh is the perfect time to...

Christmas in July - Are You Ready for Q4?

Winter Is Coming... As much as I had to admit it, summer is when product-based businesses need to start thinking about their year-end sales. With Halloween just 3 1/2 months away 🦹, time is ticking. While it's tempting to delay preparations for year-end sales until the fall, it's important to remember that early planning can lead to better results. Here are things you should be doing now to set yourself up for success during the holiday shopping season: Boost your local SEO. 76% of people who...

Is blogging still a thing for SEO?

Is Blogging Still a Thing? I've been chatting a lot about blogging recently. With AI blasting onto the scene this year and Google making regular updates to their helpful content system, it's certainly a reasonable question to ask. The simple answer is yes. But, of course, nothing is ever that simple. As we see more and more content being created, much of it coming out as generic content pumped out by AI, the most important factor in blogging is creating quality content. High-quality,...

It's My Birthday - Kinda!

Celebrating Our Birthday! April marks the one year anniversary of starting this boutique little business of mine. I can't believe it's been a full year! Here is something I learned this year that may surprise you... Marketing Your Business is HARD Y'all! You would think that a marketing expert would find marketing her business to be easy peasy lemon squeezy. But, actually - it is much harder than I thought it would be. For me, there are two barriers: I feel extremely awkward and uncomfortable...

Should You DIY Your PPC? 🤷‍♀️

I've been on a few discovery calls lately where someone mentioned they didn't find value in advertising with Google. They tried it and it didn't work. 🤷♀️ My next question is always: Did you work with an agency or DIY your paid ads? Often followed by this answer: I did it myself - or - I have a friend who did it for me I am all for the DIY approach when possible. The problem with the DIY approach to digital marketing is that it looks pretty easy and straightforward. However. It takes skill...