Does it Pay to Buy Ads on Facebook?

Facebook? Are You There?

I often discuss paid advertising in client meetings, specifically the channel that best suits their business needs and goals.

One of the common myths that often surfaces is the belief that Facebook is no longer a relevant platform. This misconception often leads to the assumption that advertising on Meta is not effective.

Can this be true? Could Facebook be dying?

Here are a few fast facts on Facebook right now:

  • Facebook has 3 billion active users monthly, with 2.1 billion users using the platform every day.
  • Facebook gained 100 million users in 2023 alone.
  • 1 in 3 Americans get their news on Facebook.
  • 73% of internet users in the US use Facebook regularly.

In fact, this was taken from the Pew Research Center's 2024 Social Media Fact Sheet:


The results are in: Facebook is going strong.

I didn't find this surprising. We are running a few Meta campaigns right now, and they are booming. One campaign is performing 3x better than the industry average for their service. πŸ”₯

As the third most visited website in the world, I believe Facebook can be a great place to advertise.


What if your target audience is professional leaders, business owners, and C-Suite?

Should I advertise on LinkedIn instead?

Possibly. But you might be surprised how many professionals are still on Facebook more often than LinkedIn.

Using SparkToro, I recently ran data for a client on individuals identified online as doctors. Facebook was the #2 most visited platform, with LinkedIn #4.

Then, I ran a quick search on CEOs. Facebook was still #2, with LinkedIn at #3.

If you look closely, you'll see this is a higher rank for LinkedIn than the general public (which is #7), but it is still used less often than Facebook.

Finally, we look at the data for one million users identified as Business Owners. Here again, we see Facebook as #2.

So what does this mean?

The takeaway here is that Facebook advertising can be a fantastic tool for your marketing toolbox.

  • Facebook has a tremendous reach, and their user base is growing over time.
  • You can be highly targeted in your campaign parameters.
  • It's relatively inexpensive.


Should you go all in on Facebook?

Probably not. There are many factors that determine what platform is best for your specific business needs.

However, Facebook has its advantages, and your audience might be there more than you think!

Curious About Paid Digital Ads?

You may have also noticed above that YouTube is the #1 winner, the most preferred platform in every report I've ever seen. They are the top dog for audience reach across nearly every age demographic.

If you're ever curious about YouTube advertising, I can help with that as well. Just zap me an email!


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