Managing the Whirl Wind that is January

Published 4 months ago • 2 min read

Happy New Year!

I saw a meme on Instagram a couple of weeks ago that said "today is the last day you can say Happy New Year in your client meetings."

I want to say that was around January 10th...

But I don't need that kind of negativity in my life and I like to get full value out of everything I engage in.

So I wish you a Happy New Year in this last full week of January!

And doing so illuminates the fact that I am about a month late returning to scheduling regular emails after the holidays. 🤷🏻‍♀️

January has been a whirl wind of lists and new projects and what feels like alllll the things.

And I know I'm in good company when I say that working on my business (taxes, marketing, processes, etc.) and working in my business (client work, projects, campaign launches) can feel impossible to manage simultaneously.

Here is how I keep (most of) the plates spinning

Solve it with tech - A recent example of this is when I realized I was spending a lot of unnecessary time with meetings that could be emails. I started using a tool called Loom to record short, personalized videos for things like proposal walk-throughs, tutorials, and providing feedback.

This has reduced several redundant meetings for my clients (and for me) and ensures the meetings we do have are valuable. I've gotten great feedback so far!

Decide what is manageable, let the rest go! - When it comes to content marketing, you don't have to be everywhere all at once. It feels like you do. It feels like everyone else is. But don't give in to peer pressure.

It's best to have some data to guide your thinking on where to invest your time, but as a rule of thumb - I recommend publishing content on one medium you OWN (your website, email list, etc.) and 1-2 channels you RENT (social media, Substack, etc.)

If you can do more, amazing! But this is a good place to start.

Use the easy button when you can - Not able to post regularly on Instagram? Consider a 9-Grid.

Not able to post weekly on your blog? Update your cadence to 1-2x per month, or hire a copywriter (see next tip!)

Outsource when you need help - I brought in a new bookkeeper this year to help me with an area of my business that is critical for success and is the most challenging for me to manage (or even fully understand!)

We connect regularly on how things are going and meet virtually when needed (she also uses Loom, so sometimes those meetings can be emails!)

But it's nice to know this area of my business is handled by a pro and I don't need to keep banging my head on the wall trying to figure it all out myself.

I hope 2024 has started off well for you. We are still a ways out from spring but I am dreaming of longer, warmer days for sure.


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