Adding SEO Into Your Website Refresh Plan

The Importance of SEO in
a Website Refresh

A well-planned website redesign can boost your search rankings, while the alternative can set you back. Here are a few things to consider when planning a website refresh:

  • Preserving Current Rankings: Whether you keep your domain or change it, you may risk losing the search engine rankings you’ve worked hard to achieve. You'll need a plan to retain your existing site authority.
  • Leveraging New SEO Opportunities: A refresh is the perfect time to implement new keyword strategies and optimize content. I don't recommend the "forklift" approach— always take the opportunity to update and optimize everything that goes into your new site!
  • Align With Current SEO Best Practice: The SEO strategies you implemented when you first launched have probably changed. Take this opportunity to align your site with the latest SEO trends and guidelines, ensuring long-term competitiveness and success.

If you're thinking about a website refresh, we've got the Ultimate Website Redesign SEO Checklist.

I work with many businesses who pay for a beautiful website, only to find out at the end that SEO was not included. Use the checklist to save yourself time (and money!) down the line.

Quick Tip: You Need a Custom 404 Page

When someone tries to visit an unavailable page or clicks on an old URL or broken link, the website logs a 404 error and loads a "404" page.

We've all seen them. They are common after a website refresh (especially if a content redirect plan was omitted during the update) and they can feel like a dead end.

Most of the time, the 404 page is a blank default page with the words "404 error" or "this page cannot be found."

For many users, they would hit the back button and bounce right out of your site. Boo.

However, a custom (and strategic) 404 page creates a different user experience.

Consider for a moment that you're looking for a menu for a local restaurant and land here by accident:

Sure, you hit an error page. But you still have options.

Their website traffic metrics indicate you're most likely looking for one of three things, so they've placed them on the 404 page to get you back on your way.

And perhaps they demonstrated a bit of their fun, approachable personality during the process.

Website redesigns are an investment in time and resources. Make sure you're also spending enough time in the planning process, making the most of that investment. Let me know if you need help!

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